Friday, August 22, 2008

And it begins...

Yes. Its been a long time. A very long time. Almost two years, in fact. Why? Well, I'm not sure to be honest. At times there are things to be said and usually at those times you'd rather say them in person. But here I am after a long time, speaking to you -- to those of who might want to tune back in, those of you who walked out of the last performance before the curtains went down, those of you who were busy making out in front of the computer and accidentally clicked off to another page, those of you who refused to drop money into the hat after watching the whole show, those of you who bent over and picked money out of the hat after watching the whole show... Well, you get my drift. :)

This blog goes back a long way. I started this blog when I was in my undergrad years and it was one of the first few blogs that sprung up amongst the people of my department. While the rest of the JUDEan bloggers went into a blogging frenzy I couldn't quite understand what all the fuss was about. In fact, it got to a point where we managed to lose our classmate to her blog. Yes, blog updates became the most important thing in her life -- more important than classes, college, friends and general socialising in the flesh. Well, perhaps it filled some sort of void in her life that some of us never understood, but thankfully, she is now a semi-retired blogger and has moved on to bigger and better things -- like a Phd abroad. Nonetheless, I have to admit her blog was quite entertaining at times, moreover, there were some other very good blogs in JUDE and I'm sure there will be more added to the pantheon of JUDEan blogs.

So what will this blog be about? Why Ants Marching? Are you going to flood the world with football? Why use a picture of Kikuchiyo? Will there be a hat to pick money from?

Well, let me tackles those questions one at a time. Firstly, I don't quite know. I guess I will go with the flow. Secondly, because the song has relevence within the society I live in and I guess it urges people like you to step outside your lifestyle and think about the things that are really important. Thirdly, yes and no. Hehe! Fourthly, its more Kurosawa's Mifune characters than Kikuchiyo. And lastly, yes. If you can find it. Muse upon it, I will be back. I'm hoping. ;-)

Until later then.

1 comment:

rukmini said...

I'm looking forward to this :)