Saturday, August 23, 2008

The early blog that is still looking for the blasted worm...

Good Morning...

And what a bright and shiny morning it is, one has to admit. Perfect weather for basketball or getting out for a jog. Yes well, unfortunately I haven't been able to capitalise on this sunshine despite setting an alarm for 5:30am. See, I went to bed with every intention to get up and hit the road running but somehow I woke up a little bewildered at around 9:15am. What happened in between is a little bit of a blur. Mom says that setting alarms (yes well, there are two with a 10minute interval) is a pointless exercise because I turn them off and go back to sleep. I shall politely disagree as I have maintained a regular early morning schedule over the past 6months. However, I am also willing admit that this is not the first time I have done this, so where lies the secret you may ask? Is there a way around my gift of shuttingringingalarmclocks&goingbacktobeingdeadtotheworld. Also, as you can see my gift has the gift of thewindingappellative too although I'm not sure why I'm calling it a gift at all!

'Kukur-le goo khanu agade', as the Nepalis say, is roughly when I need to wake up. To do this I have to outfox myself for which preparations must be made the night before. This is done by strategically placing one of the two alarm clocks in a remote corner of the room and usually hidden. Here is how the system works -- Alarm Clock #1 is slipped between the pillow and pillowcase under my head. This goes off first and the effort involved in finding it and fishing it out is usually enough to half wake me up. Now the tricky part is Alarm Clock #2. As the days go by, my brain becomes adept at propping me up in a zombie-like fashion and making a zombie-line(which is preferable to a beeline in my case as it is a lot more squiggly and involves much groping for furniture that I might walk into with eyes shut) to where the alarm clock is kept. Mom, who is the only beneficiary of my elaborate alarm clock set-up, says I can switch it off with my eyes shut. Perhaps I should mention that Alarm Clock #2 is a little bit of a gizmo and shutting it takes some doing. Oh, but don't be fooled, she does not mean this as a compliment by any stretch of the imagination. For instance, it would be rather hard to dream of her at a party where everyone was big-upping their kids and her bringing it up...

Lady #1: My son is a fantastic pianist. He will be going to Vienna next month to work with Beethoven himself!

Lady #2: That may all be well, but my daughter paints beautifully. We will be going to the Sistine Chapel next month to see her latest masterpiece which, might I add, is right next to Michelangelo's God Creates Adam.

Mom : Tsk! Tsk! Simpletons! My son has accomplished things that your children can only dream of. He was born with the gift of shuttingringingalarmclocks&goingbacktobeingdeadtotheworld. Oh, but that is not all, he can turn 'em off with his eyes shut! *smirk*

*sounds of smashing cutlery followed by looks of shock and horror all round*

In the words of KKK, 'Not happening!'.

The road to salvation is a difficult and complicated one which involves hiding Alarm Clock #2 in thatplaceyou'dneverthinkofat5:30am. Unfortunately by day 3, Alarm Clock #2 is now in thatplaceyouthoughtyou'dneverthinkofat5:30ambutaremagnetticallydrawntosinazombieline. As you can see, the latter puts 'shuttingringingalarmclocks&goingbacktobeingdeadtotheworld' to shame not to mention Blogger itself (which explains why I had to go with the ultra small font size. Pfft!).

So the quest for new hiding places is a long and never ending one. There is of course, the other option -- not to mention, a more effective option -- but that involves the participation of The Elusive Begum Rukmini of Monohar Pukur Road, the co-founding member of The LE Ba.Ba. Players. However, despite sharing the curse(no, I would not call this a gift) of the expanding waistline, our joint early morning fitness regime has been hit by bad weather, annexation of the basketball court by the blasted Phys.Ed. dept, variable x** and waning levels of enthusiasm or general laziness (whichever decided to raise its big, fat head that day). Nevertheless, we have managed a session or two a week for the past two weeks but that is nothing compared to the 6 day regime of days gone by. Perhaps this is just a sticky patch one must get through and we’ll go back to our old schedule soon. If that happens then be afwraid, be wewy afwraid. Step aside for the new and improved Sand.Man and rukmini 2.0 - Now faster, stronger, leaner and badder than ever before! So here I sign off from a rather long blog that had originally been 'The early blog...' but will now have to make to with being the 'Noon blog'. Perhaps it could use an alarm clock or two. :P

variable x could be anything from random quiz competions to early morning classes/tests to bandhs.


Anonymous said...

Ha Ha. Not to worry. Soon we'll be back to normal.

Deep said...

I feel you. Alarm clocks have suffered at my hands too. So have people trying to sleep in adjoining rooms.

aneelirh said...

This be funny. :) said...

@the prophet - Yes. You only say that cause its not 6:30am. ;)

@deep: Hehe! But, of course, you have the best alarm clock of all - Brownie Sanyal! How is he?

@aneelirh: Thank you. Anything else?

rukmini said...

Well, the quiz competitions are over. And tests, we have to deal with. But yes, Rukmini 2.0 is in the making. ;)

Monday morning, then? I'll give you a wake up call. :D